settingsIt pains me to say it because I want more than anything for plant-based diets to keep growing in popularity, but most meal plans get the stress part totally wrong.
They provide an endless stream of new meals for you to plan for, shop for, and prepare... and then cross your fingers that your family will eat it (especially if you've got little ones, like Sid and I both do). Until you're swimming in new recipes, as if endless variety is a good thing.
But if you know anyone who has made a healthy diet their lifestyle, you know that's not how they do it.
More recipes misses the point entirely. Instead, it's about finding handful of recipes that you love — because their healthy, simple, reliable, and you know your family will eat them. That's how you start building the foundation for a diet you don't have to think about.
Health Made Simple isn't about new meals every month. We provide 85 solid, family-approved, time-tested plant-based recipes (all with easy oil-free and gluten-free options), and help you — through live nutrition coaching where you can ask whatever questions you have — to incorporate the ones that look best into your diet.
When you find a winner, you try it again, as soon as you're ready. Over time, you develop of stable of simple, go-to recipes you know like the back of your hand.
And then one day, you realize you don't really have to think about food anymore — that healthy eating is on autopilot, and you don't need a meal plan anymore.
Sure, every now and then, it's fun to crack open a cookbook and make something new... but that's the exception, not the rule.